Kontakt: e-mail: Margarita.Rozanova@xerox.com
Job Role Summary:
Responsible for the maintenance and repair of Xerox Production Printers whilst having the basic ability to resolve networking and operating systems issues.
Working remotely, you will be required to resolve technical hardware and software problems whilst liaising closely with Client to ensure total satisfaction. You will be required to manage workload and costs in line with business targets and guidelines set by Line Manager.
Scope - Job Specific:
o The job holder has the responsibility for delivering the appropriate technical service to the Customer as set out by the business and/ or Line Manager;
o Internal relationships include Line Manager & Scheduling Team;
o External relationships include Customers;
Main Responsibilities:
o Provide service activity, repairs, retrofits, and maintenance activities on Xerox High Volume Production Printers;
o Installation and deinstallation of Xerox Production Printers;
o Timely escalation of technical problems to minimize downtime;
o Recognize and feedback additional business opportunities;
o Actively communicate with colleagues to share technical information;
o Manage relationship with the Client to optimize Customer satisfaction.
Candidate Background: Skills Knowledge and Abilities:
Experience in a field-based service role;
o Good knowledge of English language;
o Good analytical skills;
o Electrical skills/ qualification;
o Skills in the use of diagnostic tools, such as multi meter's;
o Customer focused mentality;
o Knowledge of computers, networks, data communication and color theory;
o Good communication and reporting skills;
o Willingness to work flexibly.
Additional Role Requirements:
o Training will be provided on hardware/ products specific to the area;
Shrnutí pracovní role:
Zodpovídá za údržbu a opravy produkčních tiskáren Xerox a zároveň má základní schopnost řešit problémy se sítí a operačními systémy.
Cíl: Zpracovávat informace o tiskárnách, které se používají pro tisk:
V rámci vzdálené práce budete muset řešit technické problémy s hardwarem a softwarem a zároveň úzce spolupracovat se zákazníkem, abyste zajistili jeho plnou spokojenost. Budete muset spravovat pracovní náplň a náklady v souladu s obchodními cíli a pokyny stanovenými přímým nadřízeným.
Rozsah - specifická práce:
Hlavní odpovědnosti:
Zkušenosti uchazeče: Dovednosti Znalosti a schopnosti:
Další požadavky na roli:
Bonus 20%
Kontaktní osoba: | Margarita Rozanova |
E-mail: | Margarita.Rozanova@xerox.com |
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