Prototype Engineer - Quality

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  • TOP zaměstnavatel
  • Praha 10
  • HPP


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Prototype Engineer - Quality

Ensures proper implementation and use of methodology to ensure quality requirements:

  • Identifies tools and applicable standards for existing projects
  • Identifies "best practices"
  • Based on the above, defines a quality plan with project-specific checkpoints

Secure the development from a development process point of view:

  • Make sure that the Quality plan is shared, accepted and applied by all Team Members and contributors

  • Identify weaknesses and define corresponding action plans (training, …)

  • Combine internal and customer requirements

  • For the 2 previous missions combine Valeo inputs with Customer inputs

  • Define the common section and the specifics

  • Define what is for internal use only with rules on how to handle this specific responsibilities:

  • Performs system internal audits

  • Prototype team training for quality system, procedures and work instructions

  • Implements reliability requirements process (tests, analysis)

  • Safety and product compliance officer


  • Manages the archiving, distribution and handling of documents

Ensures the improvement of the working environment within RaD.


  • Minimální vzdělání: ÚSO s maturitou (bez vyučení)


  • Příspěvek na penzijní připojištění
  • Příspěvek na soukromé životní pojištění
  • Pružná pracovní doba
  • Stravenky
  • Závodní stravování
  • Cafeterie
  • Občerstvení na pracovišti
  • Příspěvek na volný čas
  • Možnost home office
  • Firemní akce

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